Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Glenn Beck Needs to Shut Up When It Comes to Music

Glenn Beck apparently stays up at night worrying that our nation is hopeless against that "horror show" Glee.

Granted, I despise Glee as well. But for different reasons. Beck says it lacks moral values and that the entire show is "propaganda," particularly their version of the My Chemical Romance song "Sing," which begs the people who watch the show/listen to the song.

"It's an anthem saying 'Join us'. How can you and I possibly win against that?"

What is there to win against? Yes, Glee does have some pretty non-conservative plot lines. A pregnant high schooler, an openly gay couple, divorced parents, premarital sex. But is it really propaganda?

Propaganda, as defined by Webster's Dictionary, is chiefly derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

So is Glee propaganda? Eh, not really. Maybe it's propaganda for equality, but I don't see what Beck is getting at. Gerard Way, the singer from My Chemical Romance, has responded to Beck's claim with this:

"I think the word Glenn Beck was looking for was 'subversion' not 'propaganda', because I don't know what it would be considered propaganda for truth? I can't tell what he's angrier about - the fact that it's how I feel about the persistent sterilization of our culture or the fact that it's on network television for everyone to hear."

Not surprisingly, this isn't the first time Beck has taken a song and decided what it was about: he labeled Muse's performance at the Grammy's of their song "Uprising" as a "call for revolution" as well as expressing his love for the band back in '09. They proceeded to ask him to retract his comments about the band, as they don't approve of his general opinion.

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